10 days of statistics is one of the effective way of learning statistics through challenges. Its not much popular as many of you wont find much of the blogs or the article towards it explaining or giving the description before you start doing the challenge.
Another most important factor about this challenge is that you do not need to know statistics way before to solve these problems.
I have referred this 10 days of statistics when i was studying data analytics. People in this field (before diving in ) feels that there is no need of mathematics required but that’s not true, you have to know the bits of statistics to survive the data analyst job.
This post is about an overview of the whole 10 days challenge. One can easily go through the challenge and can analyse whats there in it.
But i would recommend you to read this article before you go the link , so that you know what’s gonna be there and for by luck you know some of the topics of statistics then you dont have to refer their tutorial section.
In this overview , I will explain you where and what concept took me time time to understand and what you can do to get rid of the doubts. I will share my ways of solving issue. Hope, this will help you guys.
This is the challenge on HackerRank.
If you came back to this page after checking the link, lets start with the overview of this
- You do not need to know statistics to solve the challenges , there is an option for tutorial to learn and understand. Even after these tutorial wont work, still there is no harm, you have time to learn and google things for better understanding, now you all can even use chatGpt for the same. Objective here for all of us should to Learn!
- The challenge speaks about 10 days of statistics but that should not be your goal! The challenge is designed for 10 days but that should not take your ability of learning. Everyone out there is not free to adapt the same potential as me or anyone else. So dont count days for solving. You have your own space and time to learn , you better chose your best time for learning.
- When you unlock the challenge, it will start with Day 0 and then each day it will unlock , each day’s challenge.
- I would prefer one to unlock these challenge before you even think of starting the challenges. This will help you to solve more challenges in each day.
- Each day consist of 2 or more challenges. What’s interesting is that, it allows you to code in any preferred language which make this challenge language independent.
Coming to each day challenges-
0Day — It consist of mean , median , mode. The base of statistics. It also covered the weighted mean. Here, you can refer tutorial of how we can calculate the weighted mean
1Day — This challenge cover the area of Quartiles , Interquartile Range, Standard Deviation. Here, one have to know how to apply formulas in code to get the answer.
2Day — Here comes the fun part. No coding but simple MCQ. Henceforth there is only 3 attempt given for the option of 4. Here you get familiar with Basic probabilities.
3 Day — This covers the part of Permutation and combination , Conditional probability. One need to put in a lot brain to understand the differences and once you get the differences you win the game. Here again you go with MCQs
4 Day — This day challenge ask the answer in coding. From here the actual statistic comes in which includes Binomial distribution and Geometric Distribution and this all together consist of 4 Challenges. You may often get confuse for when you keep getting a head. I have to go through all my previous notes while solving the challenges. Focus on the difference is one of the most important thing you should look up to.
5 Day — Coming to this 5th day challenge , here everything starts linking up with your previous day challenges. This section/challenge consist of Poisson and Normal Distribution
6 Day — Theorem is one the thing , I do not like much but we should agree it give ease to our problems by directly stating the facts. This day challenge consist the same topic which is all about theorem- The central Limit Theorem.
7 Day — This section consist of the correlation coefficient. Know the difference properly. Use of previous formulas is applied here.
8 Day — This section occupies with 2 challenge , one with Least Square Regression Line which ask for coding and the other is MCQ of Pearson Correlation Coefficient.
9 Day — The last day challenge, it consist of medium level with only one challenge- Multiple Linear Regression. The code here is quiet complex than compare to other.
I have given the overview of the 10 days of statistics challenge. would love to give the brief explanation of all the challenges it contain with detail explanation and description of all the concepts of statistics it mentioned. One can easily understood the concept through my blog without much research because I have dig deeper with the concept to avoid confusion.
Thank you for reading till here!